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Review Set of three art books Munich and Vienna

Set of three art books Munich and Vienna

1 in stock
Set van drie catalogi uit München en wenen. In Engels en Duits. Ehemalige Hofsilber-und Tafelkammer Sammlungs katalog Band I, 1996. Treasury in the Munich residence 'official guide' 1998. Bayerses National Museum- Handbook, 2002.
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Set van drie catalogie uit münchen en wenen. In Engels en Duits. Ehemalige Hofsilber-und Tafelkammer Sammlungs katalog Band I (1996) ISBN 3-205-98634-2. Treasury in the Munich residence 'official guide' (1998) ISBN 3-932982-22-3 . Bayerses National Museum- Handbook (2002) ISBN:3-7774-9510-7. Conditie: In gebruikte conditie. Afmetingen ca.: 28 x 21 x 2

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