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Prent van The London and Greenwich Viaduct. Getekend en gegraveerd door I. Shaw. Afbeelding van bezigheden op en rond het pas voltooide spoorwegviaduct. Onder de afbeelding staat de tekst: "This View of the London & Greenwich Viaduct is with the utmost respect dedicated to Abel Rous Dottin, esq MP. Chairman, John Twells, esq. The deputy chairman, and the directors of the company by their most obedt. and very humble servants, Brown & Syrett. This great national work, constructing by Hugh Mc Intosh, esq was projected by George Landmann, esq late Lt. Colonel of Royal engineers, now engineer of the company. The company having been formed in 1832 by George Walter, esq the present Sectary, was Incorperated and received the Royal Assent in May 1833, and will be completed and opened to the public in 1835." Datering: circa 1835. Conditie: De prent heeft sporen van ouderdom. Verkleuring, vlekken en kleine beschadigingen aan de randen. Afmetingen van papier prent: ca. 31,5 x 39 cm.
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