CBK Amsterdam

CBK Amsterdam
Henk ter Kulve, Vrouwelijke torso
CBK Amsterdam Roos Waterland, Untitled
CBK Amsterdam
Roos Waterland, Untitled
€345,00 €185,00
CBK Amsterdam
Marian Koopen, Untitled 5
CBK Amsterdam Robb Buitenman, Lumière
CBK Amsterdam
Robb Buitenman, Lumière
€275,00 €150,00
CBK Amsterdam Maj van Oers Oey, Selene
CBK Amsterdam
Maj van Oers Oey, Selene
€280,00 €150,00
CBK Amsterdam
Hans Hellingwerf, Untitled 2
CBK Amsterdam Hennie van der Vegt, Untitled 2
CBK Amsterdam
Hennie van der Vegt, Untitled 2
€240,00 €130,00
CBK Amsterdam
Els Roders, Smoke gets in your eyes
CBK Amsterdam Annemarie van Ravenstein, Japanese kite
CBK Amsterdam
Annemarie van Ravenstein, Japanese kite
€180,00 €95,00
CBK Amsterdam Kees Romeijn, Zt. I, 1986-1988
CBK Amsterdam
Kees Romeijn, Zt. I, 1986-1988
€190,00 €100,00
CBK Amsterdam
Rik van Bentum, Compositie
CBK Amsterdam
Elma van Haren, Hoogtezon
CBK Amsterdam Paul Spierenburg, Ecco homo, 1984
CBK Amsterdam
Paul Spierenburg, Ecco homo, 1984
€120,00 €65,00
CBK Amsterdam
Marjan Zwiep, Torso
CBK Amsterdam Joep Beunen, Couple
CBK Amsterdam
Joep Beunen, Couple
€545,00 €275,00
CBK Amsterdam Karin Lugtigheid, Het bruine paard, 1986
CBK Amsterdam
Karin Lugtigheid, Het bruine paard, 1986
€560,00 €285,00
CBK Amsterdam Maarten Koopman, Fish 5
CBK Amsterdam
Maarten Koopman, Fish 5
€645,00 €350,00
CBK Amsterdam

CBK stands for Centre for the Visual Arts. CBK Amsterdam started in 1984 as Artoteek Oost, founded by the Stedelijk Museum with the aim of making the municipal collection accessible to a broad public and to bring art closer to the citizens of Amsterdam. In 2009, the name changed to CBK and the organisation got access to a monumental exhibition space on the site of the former purification halls of the Oostergasfabriek. Here the CBK combined art lending and exhibitions. Since 1984, the CBK collection has been carefully built up and regularly updated with works by contemporary artists. Various techniques and different movements within contemporary art are widely represented.